Sad news regarding Pugh one of our sponsor cats

Sadly, on January 5th 2021 we had to say goodbye to our gentle blind boy Pugh. He had been on medication for advanced liver failure since September 2020 when the vet diagnosed this from his sudden weight loss & he also had various other ailments. Pugh seemed to be doing really well on his medication & was regularly monitored: but just after New Year Pugh took a real turn for the worse & he deteriorated very quickly, we couldn’t let our poor boy suffer & the sad decision was made to have him PTS.
We think Pugh was around 13 years of age; but he could have been much older as he was an adult when he arrived at the sanctuary back in 2011.
Pugh had 10 happy years at the sanctuary & was loved by many visitors & supporters.
RIP Sweet Boy you will be sadly missed.