Charity Barn Dance

Another very successful MCPS event was held last Saturday evening when 150 people dosey-dohed and promenaded the night away at the annual Barn Dance held at Chris Blue Beach. Tickets sold out extremely fast with a waiting list in operation after the first week, an indication of just how much fun this event is, and there was a constant stream of arrivals from a very early hour.

The food was plentiful and extremely good, providing plenty of energy for the exercise to come. As soon as the band started, the dance floor filled with couples eager to learn some new steps and it stayed full for the whole of the night. All who attended had tremendous fun and we shall we repeating the event next year, so mark your diaries now!

We managed to raise ?684 through ticket, raffle and calendar sales but the lack of an auction meant that we did not achieve as much as usual. Watch this space for next year!

This site allow you to view the 40 photographs taken without having to download them to your computer; it requires registration but this is free, and you can then view the images online.

For more photos of the event

Thanks to Gill Callaway and Chris Clifton-Moore & Yvonne Trimble for agreeing to add their photographs to the above link.