Glyns Summer Gathering
On Friday 11th July the MCPS fundraiser was held at Glyn the treasurers house.
Glyn’s last Friday night will know what a great evening it was. Over 70 people attended the event and we raised the wonderful total of 2,092 Euros for the sanctuary. The Islanders played live music throughout the evening and had everyone updancing and Merlyn & Heather provided some swimming entertainment at the endof the evening!! Special thanks must go to Glyn & Christian for providing their beautifulgarden and house for the event and to Christian for staying up half thenight cooking! Thanks to everyone else who provided food, there was nothingmuch left at the end of the evening so it must have been good. Also thanksto Grace & Gill for selling the tickets, it was sold out a week before and we had awaiting list – so for those of you who couldn’t make it this year – maybenext year as I’m sure it will become an annual event.Also thanks to Bruce, John & Gray, the Islanders, live music certainly madethe evening. And of course thanks to those of you who supported us.You can see from the photo what a beautiful setting it is.