MCPS Christmas Bazaar & Lunch
On Thursday November 13th the MCPS held a Bazaar & Lunch
Over 100 people purchased tickets for the MCPS Lunch held at Shambelios Restaurant Polemidia. 24 stalls were at the Bazzaar selling a variety of gifts from Xmas cards to soap. A lot of people just turned up for the bazaar but decided to stay for lunch as well, luckily George at Shambelios had cooked enough food for everyone and what a wonderful buffet it was.
The amount made at the end of the day was ?1972.60, even more than last year which is surprising in today?s economic climate.
Thanks go to everyone who helped out, especially Doreen who wouldn?t let anyone in without buying raffle tickets and made the great sum of 516 Euros.
Thanks also to Shirley Lovatt for making us a wonderful Xmas cake again which was won by Brian Callaway who then kindly auctioned it off for 50 Euros to John & Dal Crowther who won it in 2006!
But most of all thanks must go to Grace & Gill for all their hard work organizing the stall holders, the ticket sales and the restaurant.