Dates for your diary
16 Oct MCPS Open Day
Come along to our open day a fun day for all the family
26 Oct Coffee Morning at Sarah’s
More details to follow
4 Nov Bin-a-Tin, Lyssiotis Supermarket, Episkopi
Can you spare a couple of hours to help us collect food for our residents?
Shifts available will be 0900-1100 and 1100-1300.
13 Nov Sunday lunch at the River Pub followed by a quiz
Patsy is organising this more details to follow
3 Dec Bin-a-Tin, NAAFI, RAF Akrotiri
We?re hoping to do well here again so will need help from any Akrotiri pass holders. Shifts available: 0800-1000, 1000-12 30 and 1230-1500
6 Dec Charity Lunch and Bazaar
We?ve been asked to hold another lunch so here it is. All the usual elements will be present ? good food, wine and company ? and also some extra goodies including a small Christmas Bazaar and free wine tasting. Invite your friends, sell lots of tickets, donate a raffle prize, man our stall, but above all, book early ? seats are limited! We?re looking for a new venue this year so if you have any suggestions please let me know
If you are interested in helping with any of the above, want to buy tickets, donate prizes, or have any marvelous ideas for future fundraising then please get in touch ? MCPS needs you!