Barn Dance

The new MCPS financial year started on 1 April and is already off to a healthy start due to the success of last night’s Barn Dance.

150 people stomped, dosey-dohed and promenaded till late into the night in an effort to not only have a good time but raise some much-needed funds for our coffers. Tickets were sold out well in advance with a long waiting list, and I was still taking calls for extra tickets two hours before the event started.

The food was good, the entertainment excellent and the whole evening raised a grand total of ?968 after costs were deducted.

Grace and Heather excelled themselves (again) with their raffle ticket selling techniques and relieved incoming guests of ?237; Russell acted as auctioneer and did a marvellous job of achieving ?130 for the golf at Aphrodite Hills, ?90 for the Paphos hotel break, ?75 for the Limassol hotel break and ?50 for the gas barbeque.

None of it would have been possible without the help of Mick and Richard who helped me set up the venue, lay out the place names, and direct people to their seats, Grace and Heather who sold raffle tickets so very well, Russell for acting as Auctioneer and of course, those who donated prizes for the raffle and auction – Andrew and Sarah Darker, and Helen and Sam Arnous from Dalco.

Thank you to everyone who attended and helped to make the night such an enjoyable and fun evening – calls and e-mails have already been received asking when the next one will be held!

Pictures of the event can be found here:

and here:

You will need to register to be able to view the albums, but it’s free and you can then view the 70 photographs of the event online