Januarys Fundraisers

2 Fundraising events were held in January. A wine tasting event & the car boot.
Well the car booters have reached the peak of their careers by raising the biggest amount ever over the last few years. On Saturday 28th Jan ?356.50 was raised and the car boot team came away with very little stock.
The day started at 6.30 with a bit of a skirmish with some car booters who had taken our pitch and were rather aggressive about us moving in, Patsy soon sorted them out and they were rather peeved when we had an almost constant crowd around our stall and no one buying from them! Dave Shaw kept the crowds at bay by putting a clothes airer around the back of the car so no one could get a preview of what was for sale!
It is hard work being a car booter, not only on the day but doing all the collecting, sorting and shifting of goods beforehand, but it is worth the effort when we can raise so much money which is pure profit for the sanctuary.
We hope to do another one on March 11th but need more stock, so please look out any bric-a-brac, CDs, videos, books, in fact anything that you don’t need any more. Also we always need men’s clothing – shirts, jeans, shoes etc.
Lastly thank you to Patsy, Pauline, Gill Tina and Dave for getting up so early on a Saturday morning and braving the cold weather.
A wine tasting event was held on the 18th January.
It was a great success, even though there were only 14 people there.
Adrian the owner of the showroom, was delighted and thought it went very well.
A total of ?53 was raised for the sanctuary. Not bad for a very pleasant evening drinking wine and sampling some of the food that he sells.