
Pippi was a loving little cat who adored affection.
Pippi was hurt in a road traffic accident & only has 3 legs but you would not notice with how she copes she acts like any normal four pawed cat.
Sad News:
Sadly we lost Pippi on 18th November 2016 our beloved sponsor cat for 5 & a half years to Rainbow Bridge. Pippi was found unwell on Tuesday 15th November & was taken to the vets where she was given antibiotics & rehydrating fluids. She seemed to recover quite quickly to the treatment but then suddenly took a turn for the worse. We couldn’t let our lovely girl suffer so on vets advice she was put to sleep. It appears Pippi was suffering from a form of Hepatitis and pneumonia took over very quickly. RIP dear Pippi we will miss you six and a half happy years you had with us at the sanctuary & you will never be forgotten. We will miss your cuddles. Run free sweet Pippi at Rainbow Bridge.