MCPS Open Day

The 2nd MCPS Open day was held on Sunday October 1st & was a huge success!
A steady stream of over 320 visitors came through the gates during the daywith a slight lull at lunchtime when we were able to catch our breath andgrab a sandwich, aided by the cats in Fay’s case (see photo)!
Stalls included Plants,cakes, Hook a duck, Book & video stalls, Win a bottle, Guess the biscuits, Face Painting, Raffle, Lucky Dip, Teddy Tombola, MCPS 100 club, Splat the rat, Refreshments, Mini Car Boot, Wine Tasting, Pie Man & of course not forgetting the Shop!
The launch of the MCPS wine "Cats Whiskers" was very successful. A couple of holidaymakers purchased some to take back to England as a thank you to their cat sitters.Ten cats and kittens were rehomed or reserved. 2 girls and 1 gentlemanvolunteered as helpers.
A big thanks to everyone who helped at the Open day, it is very much appreciated, from those who work quietly behind the scenes, to those who baked cakes, donated plants, books, bottles,raffle prizes etc etc.
A big thanks to John Theodorou who sponsored the event & of course everyone who attended.
The huge amount of ?2461.85 was raised.